Descubre nuestro plan educativo y la forma de trabajar de nuestros profesores para conseguir ESTUDIANTES PREPARADOS Y PERSONAS FELICES. Jornada de puertas abiertas presencial: 📅sábado…
🎃🦇¿Recibiste anoche la visita de alguna criatura terrorífica? Aquí puedes ver algunos de los seres más espeluznantes que vinieron a visitar nuestra escuela… ¡Feliz día…
We are really proud of all of our students this year, who sat their IGCSE and A-Level exams and have achieved so much. Congratulations for…
✨ SUPER SATURDAY SCHOOL✨ 📢 El sábado 1 de octubre empieza nuestra Saturday School. ¡Es fácil aprender inglés en un ambiente divertido! Nuestros profes nativos…
¡Abracadabra! ¿Sabías que nuestra Summer School es mágica? Dale un vistazo a nuestro vídeo y descubre el magnífico show de la mano de Alfonso Bravo…
😎WELCOME TO OUR SUMMER SCHOOL😎 Our teachers have put together a very cool music group to welcome all the students to our Summer School. With…
BCLC’s Year 4 Eco Warriors today started their Save Our Forest campaign. Their aim is to encourage everyone to pick up their own litter once…
Reception and Year 1 went on their trip for this term. They went to the theatre to watch Magical Matilda. They had a great time,…
MOCK EXAMS Mock Exams let students practise revision strategies that are proven to be more helpful and discover what works best for them. Summer exams…
We have been working, across the school, to educate our pupils on what bullying is and how we can tackle it. We have reinforced the…